The Ladner Roadster

Ernie Ladner (Jimmy’s father-in-law) bought this original ‘A’-bodied Ford roadster on original Deuce rails late one night up in the San Fernando Valley. Cool car, open headers, super loud, cash deal done in a dimly-lit apartment building hallway—all the ear marks of a shady deal. Thankfully, it wasn’t.
Ernie and Jimmy drove it back to the safety of Orange County late that night and began an overhaul of the little ‘A’. Matt Hegwood did the rebuild of the 350 Chevy and T-5 transmission. Larry Fulton handled the tri-power carbs. Joe and Jay Kennedy applied the black paint job while Ron Mangus went to work on the white vinyl tuck-and-roll interior. Decisions were made to run a “kick stand”-style exhaust, Superbell front axle, early Ford banjo out back, ‘35 Ford wire wheels and Firestone rubber on each corner—including motorcycle tires up front for a nice rounded, matching tread.
All killer, no filler. This car was sold and now resides in the Chicago, Illinois area.